
Our Reports section offers a wealth of information on billing, usage data, live channels, live events, VOD, and ads. You can access various reports by navigating to the Analytics section and selecting the desired report. Customize your report data with available controls to filter and export information, making it easier to analyze and derive actionable insights.

To access reports, click Analytics from the left navigation; then select the desired report from the left-hand pane.

If a report displays an AWS error message indicating that you are not authorized to view it, then you must adjust your browser's security configuration to allow to use third-party cookies.
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Reports (log-in required) provide insight into billing, usage data, live channel viewership, live event metrics, on-demand metrics, and ads.

Controls and Functions

Customize your report data using controls. Functions allow you to view and print your selections.

Data Controls

Click Controls or a Control option to expand the panel where you can customize your metrics to view, print, or export.

Reports include only data that satisfies all filters specified in the Control panel.

Control Panel Options

Time RangeSelect a custom date range, the relative by granularity, and exclusion options.To view metrics for a different time period, select an option from the Time Range section:
  • Custom date range. From the Date range option, set a start and end date/time.
  • Predefined date range. Customize your metric choices via the Relative by section (e.g., Previous day, This day, and Last n days).
  • Exclude dates. Check the Exclude last box to select your exclusion options.

By default, all dates/times are specified in UTC.
AccountFilter by one or multiple account name(s).
  1. Click on the Account drop-down.
  2. Optional. Search for an account by typing its name.
  3. Add accounts to the report by marking the desired accounts.
  4. Remove accounts from the report by clearing the desired accounts.
  5. Optional. Click SHOW SELECTED VALUES to list all the accounts you've included.
Playback TypeChoose between (live or vod). This option also determines the metrics that are displayed.
Channel/ Eventlive Playback Type only. Filter by channel or event name.The default values for this dropdown and the associated analytics are based on the Playback Type selected. This option is NULL for vod Playback Type.
Assetvod Playback Type only. Search for then select the assets you want included.The default values for this dropdown and the associated analytics are based on the Playback Type selected. This option is NULL for live Playback Type.
GranularityError Details report only. Change the interval for this report by selecting the desired granularity. Choose from Day, Hour, Month, Quarter, Year.

View/ Export individual data metrics

Access these features by hovering in the top right corner of any tile, clicking the three dots Revert, and selecting the option.

Report Features
Maximize/ minimize data category.Toggle the maximize icon Revert to enlarge or reduce the data view.
View summary of metric.Click the three dots Revert; then select View Summary Data.
Export data summary.Click the three dots Revert next to the data metric; then select Export to CSV. Your file will be saved to your default location.

Export Reports

  1. Click on the Controls bar to define the report metrics. See Data Controls for details and options.

    Reports include only data that satisfies all filters specified in the Control panel.

  2. Select the Export icon Revert from the top, right corner. Then click Print.

  3. Choose your print options, then GO TO PREVIEW.

  4. Optional. Click Configure to change the print options again.

  5. Click Print from the top left, select your printer options, then click Print.

View exported reports

  1. Select the Export icon Revert from the top, right corner. Then click View exports to list your PDF, CSV and XLS files.

  2. Click on a report to view it.

  3. Select Hide exports to close the export list.

Ad Summary

{{ COMPANY_NAME }} provides these reports for analyzing ad performance: Ad Delivery, Errors Summary, and Error Details.

Ad Delivery

The Ad Delivery report provides the following analytics related to ad delivery: OVERVIEW, AD IMPRESSIONS BY ENVIRONMENT, ADD IMPRESSIONS BY OTT DEVICE GROUP, OVERVIEW BY DEMAND PARTNER.


Analyze core ad-related analytics.

AD BREAKSThe number of ad breaks that was triggered as a result of playback. vod or live indicates the current Playback Type selected.
OPPORTUNITIESlive Playback Type only. The total number of ad opportunities that was requested. The calculation of this statistic is based on the assumption that each ad has a duration of 30 seconds.
AD COUNTvod Playback Type only. The total number of ads served across all ad breaks.
IMPRESSIONSThe total number of ads that was served.
REQUESTED BREAK DURThe total number of hours of ad break duration requested from ad decision servers. As part of an ad request, Uplynk indicates the duration of the ad break to the ad decision server. The ad decision server uses this information to determine how much time needs to be filled with ads.
RESPONSE BREAK DURThe total number of hours for the ad creatives that our service prepared for stream insertion.
This metric omits response durations associated with ad break requests whose duration is 0.
FILL RATElive Playback Type only. The percentage of ads that was served. This statistic is calculated using the following formula:
Fill Rate = (Ad Impressions / Opportunities ) * 100
AVG AD COUNTvod Playback Type only. The average number of ads served per ad break.
100% VIEW RATEThe percentage of ads that was viewed to completion.
COMPLETION RATEThe percentage of ad breaks that was viewed to completion.
AD SERVER FILL RATEThe percentage of ad break duration that was filled. This statistic is calculated using the following formula:
Ad Server Fill Rate = (Response Break Dur / Requested Break Dur) * 100


Breaks down the number of ads that were served by environment (e.g., CTV, Mobile App, or Desktop).


Breaks down the number of ads that were served by OTT device category (e.g., OTT & Streaming Media Player, Smart TV, Smartphone & Tablet, or Desktop).


Breaks down ad requests and responses for each of your ad demand partners.

Errors Summary

The Errors Summary report provides the following analytics for ad breaks that did not contain ads due to errors and timeouts:


Analyze analytics on ad errors and timeouts.

AD BREAK SUCCESSThe total number of ad breaks that successfully served at least one ad.
AD BREAK ERRORSThe number of ad breaks that did not contain ads due to an error.
AD BREAK TIMEOUTSThe number of ad breaks that did not contain ads due to the amount of time it took to receive a response from the ad decision server.
AD BREAK TOTALThe number of ad breaks.
AD REQUEST ERROR RATEThe percentage of ad requests that did not return an ad due to an error.
AD BREAK TIMEOUT RATEThe percentage of ad breaks that did not contain ads due to the amount of time it took to receive a response from the ad decision server.


Breaks down ad breaks that did not contain ads due to an error or timeout by the type of device (e.g., CTV, Mobile App, and Desktop).


This line chart contains color-coded lines that track over time the number of ad breaks that did not contain ads due to an error or timeout.

Error Details

The Errors Details report provides the following analytics for ad errors:


Breaks down ad errors by third-party ad provider (i.e., demand partner).

Demand PartnerA third-party ad provider by name.
RequestsThe total number of ad requests submitted to a third-party ad provider.
ErrorsThe total number of ad requests that resulted in an error.
Time OutsThe total number of ad requests that failed due to a connection timeout. This means that the ad decision server took too long to provide a response.
Fail % of RequestsThe percentage of ad requests that failed.
Fail % of Total RequestsThe percentage of total ad requests that failed.


Hover over the slices in this pie graph to view the number and contributing percentage of requests by demand partner.


Account NameAn Uplynk account by name.
Request TypeIndicates whether the error occurred with the initial request to the ad decision server or a wrapper request spawned from it.
  • Main Provider: Initial request.
  • Wrapper: Wrapper request.
Demand PartnerA third-party ad provider by name.
Error MessageA brief description for the error.
Error CategoryThe type of error that occurred.
CountThe number of ad requests that resulted in a specific type of error for the current third-party ad provider.
Total ErrorsThe percentage of ad requests that resulted in a specific type of error for the current third-party ad provider.
Fail % of Total ErrorsThe percentage of ad requests that resulted in a specific type of error for the current third-party ad provider.
Fail % of Total RequestsThe percentage of total ad requests that failed.


This line graph plots ad error categories over time.

Ad Error Categories

Each error type is briefly described below.

ConnectionAn issue occurred when establishing a connection to the ad decision server. For example, an error occurred during the TLS handshake error or the ad decision server returned a non-200 response.
Encode DecodeAn encoding or decoding issue occurred with the response provided by the ad decision server. For example, an incomplete ad response may cause this type of error.
Invalid UrlThe ad decision server provided an invalid URL for the ad wrapper.
Large ContentThe response from the ad decision server exceeded our file size requirements.
No AdsAn ad creative was not included in the response provided by the ad decision server.
No Media FileThe response provided by the ad decision server did not contain a media file.
Time OutThe third-party ad server took too long to provide a response.
UndefinedAn error that does not match any of the above categories occurred.

Asset Summary

The Asset Summary report provides the following analytics for your CMS assets:


Analyze asset-specific statistics.

Asset DescriptionIndicates the asset's name.
Channel HoursIndicates the number of hours that assets were played as a result of a live channel.
Event HoursIndicates the number of hours that assets were played as a result of a live event.
VOD HoursIndicates the number of hours that assets were played as on-demand content.
Total Hours WatchedIndicates the total number of hours that assets were played.
Asset ViewsIndicates the total number of times that assets were requested as a result of a live channel, live event, or VOD.


Breaks down your audience by country.


Breaks down your audience by operating system.


Breaks down your encoding analytics.

Content TypeThe content to included in the report. Select from: All, Channel, Event, VOD.
Asset DescriptionThe name created for the asset.
Slicer NameThe name of the slicer associated with the content.
AccountThe name of the account associated with the asset.
Profile Rate CardThe encoding profiles used by the Cloud Slicers to encode your content.

Generate the Asset Summary report

  1. Navigate to the Asset Summary page. From the main menu, click Analytics and then select Asset Summary from the left-hand pane.

  2. Click on the Controls bar to define this report.

  3. Optional. Generate a report for a different time period. From the Time Range option, select either:

    • Predefined date range (e.g., Previous day, This day, and Last n days).
    • Custom date range. From the Date range option, set a start and end date/time.

    By default, all dates/times are specified in UTC.

  4. Optional: Generate a report for a different or multiple accounts:

    • Click on the Account drop-down.
    • Optional. Search for an account by typing its name.
    • Add accounts to the report by marking the desired accounts.
    • Remove accounts from the report by clearing the desired accounts.

  5. Optional. Filter report data by asset(s).
    a. Click on the Assets drop-down to filter by CMS assets.
    b. Mark the assets that will be included in the report.
    c. Clear the assets that will be excluded from the report.

Billing Summary

The Billing Summary is only available for date ranges spanning a month or longer.

Gain deeper insights into the following billing categories:


View statistics on:

Report DataDetails
Account NameThe account for which billing statistics are provided.
Channel HoursThe number of hours that the account's live channels were streamed.
VOD HoursThe number of hours that the account's on-demand content was streamed.
Event HoursThe number of hours that the account's live events were streamed.
Total Hours WatchedThe total number of hours that the account's content was streamed.


View statistics on:

Report DataDetails
Account NameThe account for which billing statistics are provided.
Channel Encoding HoursThe number of hours for which content was encoded due to a live channel.
VOD Encoding HoursThe number of hours for which content was encoded for on-demand playback. This metric excludes content encoded for a live channel or a live event.
Live Event Encoding HoursThe number of hours for which content was encoded due to a live event.
CloudSlicer Live Encoding HoursThe number of hours for which content was encoded due to a live event originated from Cloud Slicers.
CloudSlicer VOD Encoding HoursThe number of hours for which content was encoded for on-demand playback originated from Cloud Slicers.
Total Encoding HoursThe total number of hours for which content was encoded.


View statistics on:

Report DataDetails
Account NameThe account for which billing statistics are provided.
Channel Storage HoursThe number of hours of on-demand content stored in a library that was generated from a live channel.
VOD Storage HoursThe number of hours of on-demand content stored in a library that was not generated for a live channel or a live event.
Live Event Storage HoursThe number of hours of on-demand content stored in a library that was generated from a live event.
Storage HoursThe total number of hours of on-demand content stored during the report's time period.


View statistics on:

Report DataDetails
Account NameThe account for which billing statistics are provided.
Channel Cloud Slicing HoursThe number of hours of content sliced by a Cloud Slicer due to a live channel.
VOD Cloud Slicing HoursThe number of hours of content sliced by a Cloud Slicer for on-demand playback. This metric excludes content sliced for a live channel or a live event.
Live Event Cloud Slicing HoursThe number of hours of content sliced by a Cloud Slicer due to a live event.
Cloud Slicing HoursThe total number of hours of content sliced by a Cloud Slicer.
Spot Slicing HoursThe number of hours of content sliced by a VOD Cloud Slicer. This includes ingest (via S3 bucket ingest and VoD uploader) and post ingest asset processing (clipping, VoD Concat, ad-break modifications, supplemental audio tracks and captioning, etc.).

Generate the Billing Summary report

  1. Navigate to the Billing Summary Report page. From the main menu, click Analytics and then select Billing Summary from the left-hand pane.
  2. Click on the Controls bar to define this report.
  3. From the Time Range option, define a time period that spans at least a month by selecting either:
    • One of the predefined date ranges: Previous month, This month, Month to date, Last n months, Next n months.
    • Custom date range. From the Date range option, set a start and end date/time.

By default, all dates/times are specified in UTC.

Channel Summary

The Channel Summary report provides the following analytics for one or more live channel(s):


Track the total number of peak concurrent viewers. This metric identifies the maximum number of viewers that were simultaneously watching a live channel. If the current report contains multiple live channels, then this metric provides the sum of the peak concurrent viewers for each live channel over the time period identified on the x-axis.


Track the total number of viewers that were watching a live channel. If the current report contains multiple live channels, then this metric provides the total number of viewers for all live channels over the time period identified on the x-axis.


Analyze live channel-specific statistics.

Channel DescriptionIndicates the live channel's name.
Channel HoursIndicates the number of hours that content was played during the live channel.
Channel ViewsIndicates the total number of live channel viewers.


Analyze statistics for assets played through your live channel.

Channel DescriptionIndicates the live channel's name.
Asset DescriptionIndicates the asset's name.
Total Hours WatchedIndicates the number of hours that the asset defined within the Asset Description field was played through this live channel.
Asset Views (Channel)Indicates the total number of instances that playback of the asset defined within the Asset Description field was initiated through this live channel.
This statistic is incremented whenever asset playback is initiated. For the purpose of this statistic, resuming playback of an asset after an ad break counts as a separate view. As a result, multiple views can be generated for the same asset during a single playback session. For example, if a user plays an entire asset that contains 3 ad breaks, then that playback session will generate 4 views.


Breaks down your audience by country.


Breaks down your audience by operating system.


Breaks down your encoding analytics.

ChannelThe name given the channel.
Slicer NameThe name of the slicer associated with the content.
AccountThe name of the account associated with the asset.
Profile Rate CardThe encoding profiles used by the Cloud Slicers to encode your content

Generate the Channel Summary report

  1. Navigate to the Channel Summary page. From the main menu, click Analytics and then select Channel Summary from the left-hand pane.
  2. Click on the Controls bar to define this report.
  3. Optional. Generate a report for a different time period. From the Time Range option, select either:
    - Predefined date range (e.g., Previous day, This day, and Last n days).
    - Custom date range. From the Date range option, set a start and end date/time.
    By default, all dates/times are specified in UTC.
  4. Optional: Generate a report for a different or multiple accounts:
    a. Click on the Account drop-down.
    b. Optional. Search for an account by typing its name.
    c. Add accounts to the report by marking the desired accounts.
    d. Remove accounts from the report by clearing the desired accounts.
  5. Optional. Filter report data by asset(s).
    a. Click on the Channel drop-down to filter by live channels.
    b. Mark the live channels that will be included in the report.
    c. Clear the live channels that will be excluded from the report.

CSL Summary

The Cloud Slicer Live Summary report provides insights into the usage of the Cloud Slicer for live content.


Indicates the total number of hours that Cloud Slicers were running.

This metric does not measure the Cloud Slicer's encoding hours.


Indicates the number of hours that Cloud Slicers spent slicing your content.


Indicates the encoding profiles used by the Cloud Slicers to encode your content.


Visualize Cloud Slicer usage by whether the Cloud Slicers were managed by Uplynk.


This report shows the following statistics by Cloud Slicer

Report DataDetails
AccountIdentifies the account associated with the Cloud Slicer.
Slicer NameIndicates the name of the Cloud Slicer.
Profile Rate CardIndicates the encoding profile assigned to that Cloud Slicer.
Is ManagedIndicates whether the Cloud Slicer is managed by Uplynk.
Runtime HoursIndicates the total number of hours that the Cloud Slicer ran.

Generate the CSL Summary report

  1. Navigate to the CSL Summary page. From the main menu, click Analytics and then select CSL Summary from the left-hand pane.
  2. Click on the Controls bar to define this report.
  3. From the Time Range option, define a time period that spans at least a month by selecting either:
    • One of the predefined date ranges: Previous month, This month, Month to date, Last n months, Next n months
    • Custom date range. From the Date range option, set a start and end date/time.

    By default, all dates/times are specified in UTC.
  4. Optional: Generate a report for a different or multiple accounts:
    a. Click on the Account drop-down.
    b. Optional. Search for an account by typing its name.
    c. Add accounts to the report by marking the desired accounts.
    d. Remove accounts from the report by clearing the desired accounts.

Event Summary

The Event Summary report provides the following analytics for one or more live event(s):


Track the number of peak concurrent viewers. This metric identifies the maximum number of viewers that were simultaneously watching a live event. If the current report contains multiple live events, then this metric provides the average of the peak concurrent viewers for all live events over the time period identified on the x-axis.


Track the total number of live event viewers. This metric identifies the number of viewers that were watching a live event. If the current report contains multiple live events, then this metric provides the total number of viewers for all live events over the time period identified on the x-axis.


Analyze live event-specific statistics.

Event DescriptionIndicates the live event's name.
Event HoursIndicates the number of hours that live content was played during the live event.
VOD HoursIndicates the number of hours that assets were played during the live event.
Total Hours WatchedIndicates the total number of hours that the live event was played.
Event ViewsIndicates the total number of live event viewers.


Breaks down your audience by country.


Breaks down your audience by operating system.


Breaks down your encoding analytics.

Slicer NameThe name of the slicer associated with the content.
AccountThe name of the account associated with the asset.
Profile Rate CardThe encoding profiles used by the Cloud Slicers to encode your content.
Is CloudSlicedIf TRUE, this event uses cloud slicing for encoding.

Generate the Event Summary report

  1. Navigate to the Event Summary page. From the main menu, click Analytics and then select Event Summary from the left-hand pane.
  2. Click on the Controls bar to define this report.
  3. Optional. Generate a report for a different time period. From the Time Range option, select either:
    • Predefined date range (e.g., Previous day, This day, and Last n days).
    • Custom date range. From the Date range option, set a start and end date/time.

    By default, all dates/times are specified in UTC.
  4. Optional: Generate a report for a different or multiple accounts:
    a. Click on the Account drop-down.
    b. Optional. Search for an account by typing its name.
    c. Add accounts to the report by marking the desired accounts.
    d. Remove accounts from the report by clearing the desired accounts.
  5. Optional. Filter report data by live event(s).
    a. Click on the Event drop-down to filter by live events.
    b. Mark the live event that will be included in the report.
    c. Clear the live event that will be excluded from the report.

Multi-CDN Summary

The Multi-CDN Summary report provides statistics for the distribution of your content via CDNs:


Indicates the total numbers of hours that your content was watched (aka playback hours) broken down by customer account and CDN.


This pie chart contains a slice for each CDN through which your content was distributed.


Indicates the total numbers of hours that your content was watched (aka playback hours) broken down by each unique combination of customer account, CDN, and one of the following content types:

  • Channel: Live channels
  • Event: Live events
  • VOD: On-demand content


This bar chart, which shows the number of hours that your content was watched (aka playback hours), contains a color-coded bar for each unique combination of CDN and one of the following content types:

  • Channel: Live channels
  • Event: Live events
  • VOD: On-demand content


Indicates the total numbers of hours that your content was watched (aka playback hours) broken down by each unique combination of CDN, country, and one of the following content types:

  • Channel: Live channels
  • Event: Live events
  • VOD: On-demand content

This report is useful to analyze CDN usage when leveraging our Multi-CDN solution.

Generate the Multi-CDN Summary report

  1. Navigate to the Multi-CDN Summary page. From the main menu, click Analytics and then select Multi-CDN Summary from the left-hand pane.
  2. Click on the Controls bar to define this report.
  3. Optional. Generate a report for a different time period. From the Time Range option, select either:
    • Predefined date range (e.g., Previous day, This day, and Last n days).
    • Custom date range. From the Date range option, set a start and end date/time.

    By default, all dates/times are specified in UTC.
  4. Optional: Generate a report for a different or multiple accounts:
    a. Click on the Account drop-down.
    b. Optional. Search for an account by typing its name.
    c. Add accounts to the report by marking the desired accounts.
    d. Remove accounts from the report by clearing the desired accounts.
  5. Optional. Filter report data by live event(s).
    a. Click on the Event drop-down to filter by live events.
    b. Mark the live event that will be included in the report.
    c. Clear the live event that will be excluded from the report.
  6. Optional. Change the granularity of this report by selecting the desired interval from the Granularity option.

Syndication Summary

The Syndication Summary report provides statistics for content published to social media and content distribution platforms:


View statistics on:

SYNDICATION HOURS PUBLISHEDIndicates the total number of hours that were published to social media and content distribution platforms. This statistic includes content published from both live channels and live events.
CHANNEL HOURS PUBLISHEDIndicates the total number of hours that were published to social media and content distribution platforms as a result of your live channel(s).
EVENT HOURS PUBLISHEDIndicates the total number of hours that were published to social media and content distribution platforms as a result of your live event(s).
SYNDICATION GB DELIVEREDIndicates the total amount of data, in GB, that was published to social media and content distribution platforms.
SYNDICATION HLS PULL HOURSIndicates the total number of hours of content that social media and content distribution platforms pulled from AWS S3 via HLS.


This bar chart, which tracks the number of hours that were published to social media and content distribution platforms, contains a color-coded bar for each of the following content types

  • Channel: Live channels
  • Event: Live events


This chart tracks the total number of hours published to social media and content distribution platforms over time.


This pie chart contains shows how your content was published. Each slice represents either of the following items:

  • Social media or content distribution platform. This occurs when a publishing target's Platform option is set to a specific social media or content distribution platform.
  • Protocol. This occurs when a publishing target's Platform option is set to Other. Valid values are: HLS, Zixi, Other.


Indicates the total number of hours published and data delivered for each unique combination of platform/protocol and live channel/live event.

Account NameIdentifies the account for which syndication publishing statistics are provided.
Syndication TargetIndicates where or how your content was published. This field identifies either:
- Social media or content distribution platform. This occurs when a publishing target's Platform option is set to a specific social media or content distribution platform.
- Protocol. This occurs when a publishing target's Platform option is set to Other. Valid values are: HLS | Zixi | Other
Content TypeIndicates the source from which your content was published. Valid values are:
- Channel: Live channels
- Event: Live events
Channel DescriptionIndicates the name of the live channel from which your content was published. This cell is blank when this row reports content published from a live event.
Event DescriptionIndicates the name of the live event from which your content was published. This cell is blank when this row reports content published from a live channel.
Syndication Hours PublishedIndicates the number of hours that were published for this unique combination of platform/procotol and live channel/live event.
Syndication GB DeliveredIndicates the amount of data, in GB, that were published for this unique combination of platform/procotol and live channel/live event.

Generate the Syndication Summary Report

  1. Navigate to the Syndication Summary page. From the main menu, click Analytics and then select Syndication Summary from the left-hand pane.
  2. Click on the Controls bar to define this report.
  3. Optional: Generate a report for a different time period. From the Time Range option, select either:
    • Predefined date range (e.g., Previous day, This day, and Last n days).
    • Custom date range: From the Date range option, set a start and end date/time.

    By default, all dates/times are specified in UTC.
  4. Optional: Generate a report for a different or multiple accounts:
    a. Click on the Account drop-down.
    b. Optional. Search for an account by typing its name.
    c. Add accounts to the report by marking the desired accounts.
    d. Remove accounts from the report by clearing the desired accounts.
  5. Optional: Change the granularity of this report by selecting the desired interval from the Granularity option.

Usage Summary

The Usage Summary report provides the following analytics:


View statistics on:

Total Hours WatchedIndicates the total number of hours that your content was watched (aka playback hours).
Channel ViewsIndicates the total number of times that your live channels were viewed.
Event ViewsIndicates the total number of times that your live events were viewed.
VOD ViewsIndicates the total number of times that your on-demand content was requested.


Indicates the number of hours that your ads, live channels, live events, and VOD assets were watched.


This bar chart, which shows the number of hours that your content was watched (aka playback hours), contains a color-coded bar for the following content types:

  • Channel: Live channels
  • Event: Live events
  • VOD: On-demand content

Additionally, the top of each bar indicates the total number of playback hours for the time period indicated in the x-axis.


This line chart contains color-coded lines that track the number of times that your live channels (Channel Views), live events (Event Views), and on-demand content (VOD Views) were viewed.


This report shows the following statistics for each country:

CountryIdentifies the country for which statistics are reported.
Total Hours WatchedIndicates the total number of hours that your content was watched.
Channel ViewsIndicates the total number of times that your live channels were viewed.
Event ViewsIndicates the total number of times that your live events were viewed.
VOD ViewsIndicates the total number of times that your on-demand content was viewed.


Breaks down your audience by operating system.

Generate the Usage Summary Report

  1. Navigate to the Usage Summary page. From the main menu, click Analytics and then select Usage Summary from the left-hand pane.
  2. Click on the Controls bar to define this report.
  3. Optional: Generate a report for a different time period. From the Time Range option, select either:
    • Predefined date range (e.g., Previous day, This day, and Last n days).
    • Custom date range: From the Date range option, set a start and end date/time.

    By default, all dates/times are specified in UTC.
  4. Optional: Generate a report for a different or multiple accounts:
    a. Click on the Account drop-down.
    b. Optional. Search for an account by typing its name.
    c. Add accounts to the report by marking the desired accounts.
    d. Remove accounts from the report by clearing the desired accounts.
  5. Optional: Change the granularity of this report by selecting the desired interval from the Granularity option.

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We can't display this page (Not Authorized).

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