
Content reprocessing allows you to insert ad breaks to an existing Uplynk asset. Specifically, open an asset; create, read, update, and delete ad breaks; and save as a new asset.

Content added to the library is known as an asset.

Reprocessing assets re-encodes the modified segments and may result in additional encoding costs.

The reprocessing screen is comprised of these panels and sections:

ADetailsModify reprocessed asset's name, ID, and ad breaks.
BPlayerPlay back video with ad breaks.
CSeek BarView ad breaks in blue. Click on the seek bar then + Ad Break to use that timestamp for a new ad break.
DSource/Output InfoCaptures the title, ID, duration, ad-break timestamps, and date of the original asset, as well as the title, ID, duration and ad-break timestamps of the reprocessed asset.
EFilesManage reprocessing files:
Open: Open a different file.
Reprocess: Reprocess the original asset and create a new one with the desired changes.
Reset All Changes: Revert all changes and return the asset to its original state.
FPanelsSelect the panels to view/hide.
GHelpLearn Shortcut Keys: View a list of available keyboard shortcuts.
Documentation: Link to relevant content.

Choose an Asset

  1. Locate the Asset: Find the asset you want to reprocess. Refer to Content Management for information on the CMS and Search features.
  2. Create a Copy: Click Reprocess in the top-right corner to create a copy.
  3. Rename the Content: In the Details section, enter a new name in the New Asset Name field.
  4. Optional: Choose an External ID if applicable.

Insert New Ad Break

  1. Optional: Identify a specific point in time for the new ad break by clicking the desired location in the seek bar at the bottom of the player.
  2. Add New Ad Break:
    • In the Ad Breaks section, click the + button to insert a new ad.
    • Enter the timestamp for the new ad break.
    • Click Insert to create the new ad break marker.
  3. Save Changes: Click Reprocess in the top-right corner to save your changes.

Modify/Delete Existing Ad Break

  1. View/Modify Existing Ad Breaks:
    • Go to the Ad Breaks section.
    • Click the Play button next to existing ad breaks to jump to that point in time in the video.
    • To modify, enter a new timestamp value for the ad break.
  2. Delete an Ad Break: Click the trashcan icon next to an ad break to remove it.